Fire Protection Contractors (I, II, III, IV, V)

AHA Heartsaver Adult CPR - 4 hours of CEUs in Workplace Safety

(State Fire Marshal Approval # 443-4.0)

The AHA Adult Heartsaver CPR course teaches participants how to recognize and treat life-threatening emergencies, including cardiac arrest and choking for adults. Students also learn to recognize the warning signs of heart attack and stroke in adults.

Behind the A.H..J. - 4 hours of CEUs (Technical)

(State Fire Marshal Approval # 453-4.0)

This course is designed to provide Fire Equipment Delaer License holders, Permit holders, and Fire Protection Contractors with a better understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and duties of the personla that make up the A.H.J. (Fire Marshals, Fire Inspectors, Fire Officers, Firefighters, etc.). By better understanding what is "behind the A.H.J.", participants will be able to improve their working relationship with those individuals, thus providing better service for the customers.

Fire Protection Contractors (I, II)

Water Based Fire Protection Inspector Overview - 2 hours of CEUs (Technical)

(State Fire Marshal Approval # 435-2.0)

This course is designed to provide Fire Protection Contractors (I & II) with an update and overview of the Water Based Fire Protectoin Inspector Permit established by 2005 Senate Bill 442 in Florida State Statue 633.521 (8). Participants will be given copies of the new statutes, and we will provide and overview of the current requirements to become NICET (National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies) Level II in the discipline of Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Systems.